Sunday, June 29, 2008

Treat others how you want to be treated.

My mother always taught me to treat people how I would want to be treated.

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The word is Toccara from ANTM is getting skinny. Once a proud size 12, she went on to appear in Celebrity Fit Club for 2 seasons. The first season (2005) she started at 205 pounds, lost 32 pounds, leaving her at 173 pounds. In her second season (2008) she started at, 187 pounds lost 21 pounds, leaving her at 166 pounds. The buzz is she is keeping it off and perhaps even loosing more.

As a fat girl, I find there are few people to look up to. There are few fat people out there represent us, mainly because there is still the idea of fat = bad and nobody actually wants to see fat people doing things other than loosing weight. We've been trained to look to slim people. Being a model and still being plus size feels like such a win in my book. Someone like that is out there fighting everyday to prove its not about being thin.

I can't say I know or understand her reasoning behind loosing weight. I don't know if she wants to get more work or if she is unhappy with herself. I don't know if she is giving into pressure or has come up against medical problems. Its easy to assume we know why she is skinny because thats what we are taught to do. Judge and pick apart celebs for whatever they do.

As a fat girl, I don't want to be judge simply because I am fat. Its happened to me, and I know it happens to fat people all the time. People have preconceived notions of what matters to a fat person, what we do, what we don't do, and that we should all be striving to be skinnier. I don't want people to look at me and say "she would be so pretty if she lost weight". I know people say it, but I don't want it to be that way. I will never accept that train of thought. I do think its inevitable as a model to come up against that thinking, and I always thought it was commendable that she said she was comfortable who she was. If she is or even if she isn't, my opinion will not change. I don't want to be judged, so I am not going to judge her. I don't have the facts, I dont have a clue why she does what she does. I do know its her body and she can do as she pleases. I expect that respect from people, so it's only fair that I extend the same. Maybe she has given into pressure or maybe she hasn't. It's all speculation.

Treat others how you want to be treated.

Friday, June 27, 2008

She should NOT be wearing that!

I admit, I get amused when someone says “She should NOT be wearing that!” In my experience, it’s a thin or fat loathing person saying this about someone who clearly is not thin. It makes me wonder, why are fat people expected to “cover up?” Or try and conceal the fact that they are fat. I mean, no amount of fabric will ever change the fact that I am fat. Different cuts and styles will either flatter or not flatter my fat, but its still there. The fat is not going anywhere. You can take the most expensive fabric or the most obnoxious color, its still not hiding anything. It seems so absurd to me that someone can hate fat so much, they think we need to cover up on the beach or cover our legs. I have some big ol hammy thighs and I’ll wear a short skirt or dress if I want. I’m not going to stop wearing things I like to wear because your precious eyes may burn. I’ll wear whatever bathing suit I want on whatever beach I want. If your eyes hurt because of it, too damn bad. I won’t feel bad for being fat. I wont sweat and become uncomfortable just so you can walk around the world a little bit more comfortable. I wont wear a tshirt at the beach just so you wont see my belly in spandex. If a fabric outlines my fat in anyway, I cant wear it? I can only wear baggy clothes, oversized shirts, or tents, just so people won’t be offended that I have jiggly fat on my body? Nope, not feeling sorry for you having to look at me one damn bit. I don’t feel sorry that you are shallow and honestly expect that fat people can’t enjoy the beach or hell, life in general.

What I do feel sorry for is that narrow minded people like you exist. I feel sorry for your sad existence, your need to push your insecurities on others, and your complete and utter failure to treat another human being with any shred of respect or dignity.

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